The Catch (2023)


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Family man and local fisherman, Ed Collier’s stable little world is rocked when daughter, Abbie (Poppy Gilbert) brings her new boyfriend, Ryan (Aneurin Barnard) home to meet him. Immediately wary of the handsome stranger, Ed (Jason Watkins) determines to uncover the truth about him before it’s too late. But as he sets about his secret investigation against the advice of his wife, Claire (Cathy Belton) and best friend, Bob (Ian Pirie), Ed’s boat is sabotaged by an unknown assailant hellbent on putting him out of business. As his world begins to spiral, Ed’s relationships with his family grow increasingly fractured.
And when he finds a sinister message painted on the decking of his boat, it becomes clear that someone is out to get him. But who?


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